Please register for Renal Fellow JC on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST [noon eastern]
Links to Rounds Videos
Articles discussed:
Permselectivity of the glomerular capillary wall by Bohrer and Bayliss
Determinants of GFR by Brenner, Deen, and Robertson
Articles discussed:
1. What is the glomerular ultrafiltration barrier? By Fissel and Miner
2. Insights into glomerular filtration and albuminuria. By Benzing and Salant
Articles discussed:
1. The meaning of the intact nephron hypothesis by Bricker
2. Hyperfiltration in remnant nephons by Hostetter et al.
Articles discussed:
Lessons learned from canine kidney remnant models by Brown
Pathophysiology of progressive nephropathies by Remuzzi
Articles discussed:
1. The Fate of Sodium and Water in the Renal Tubules by Homer Smith
2. Control of Sodium Reabsorption by Hugh de Wardener
Articles discussed:
1. Acute oliguria by Klahr and Miller
2. Acute Renal Success The Unexpected Logic of Oliguria in Acute Renal Failure by Thurau and Boylan
Articles discussed:
1. Clinical pharmacology in diuretic use by Ellison
2. The furosemide stress test: current use and future potential by McMahon and Chawla
Articles discussed:
1. The pathophysiology of edema formation in the nephrotic syndrome by Siddall and Radhakrishnan
2. Over- or underfill: not all nephrotic states are created equal by Bockenhauer
Articles discussed:
SGLT2 Inhibitors: Physiology and Pharmacology by Wright
Bonus articles: DAPA-CKD, EMPEROR-reduced, DIAMOND
Articles discussed:
Regulation potassium homeostasis by Palmer
Potassium homeostasis in chronic renal failure by De Strihou
Articles discussed:
New Approach to Disturbances in the Plasma Sodium Concentration by the great Bud Rose
Application of the Clearance Concept to Hyponatremic and Hypernatremic Disorders: A Phenomenological Analysis by Shoker
Polyuria: A Pathophysiologic Approach by Lithgow
Articles will be used as background for case discussion!
Articles discussed:
Glomerulonephritis: immunopathogenesis and immunotherapy by Anders
Articles discussed:
Uremia by Meyer and Hostetter
Non-Renal Lesions of Uraemia in Domestic Cats by Ambrosio et al.
Relationship among serum creatinine, serum gastrin, calcium-phosphorus product, and uremic gastropathy in cats with chronic kidney disease by McLeland et al.
Articles Discussed:
FGF-23 Review by Hardcastle and Dittmer
Klotho review by Neyra et al.
Link to folder of important nephrology manuscripts. Feel free to upload and share with colleagues!
Please do not remove papers from folder.